* Positiivisten tunteiden mukaisuudet (ja negatiivisten tunteiden aiheuttajien välttämisen) saa toimimaan käytännössä elämässään, kun käyttää avaraa kokonaiskuvaa, jossa on näkyvissä tunteet muissakin asioissa, ja seuraa niitä kaikkia yhtä aikaa tunteiden ja maailmankuvan antamin painotuksin ja syy-yhteyksin.
* Onnistumiset herättävät positiivisia tunteita ja epäonnistumiset negatiivisia. Kun valitset asioita ja tekemisentapoja, jotka herättävät sinussa positiivisia tunteita, tulet valinneeksi elämässä onnistumisiin vieviä reittejä.
Ota huomioon, että sama asia voi herättää monia tunteita. Nämä liittyvät siihen, mitä kaikkea nuo asiat merkitsevät elämässä ja maailmassa. Ne siis tyypillisesti liittyvät eri kokonaisuuksiin tai ainakin kokonaisuuksien eri puoliin.
Tunne pyrkii vaalimaan jonkin kokonaisuuden terveyttä auttamalla sinua vastaamaan tuon kokonaisuuden tarpeisiin. Tunne sanoo: "Tämä asia on tärkeä maailmassa, tärkeä sinun vaalia käytännössä elämässäsi." Tunteeseen voit liittää objektiivisen ymmärryksesi noista asioista joista tunnet, noiden asioiden vaalimisen tärkeydestä maailmassa ja elämässäsi. Näin voit saada myös objektiivisen ymmärryksesi vaalimaan niitä asioita, joista tunnet vahvasti, joiden tunnet olevan tärkeitä huolehtia maailmassa ja elämässäsi.
* Käytä kokonaiskuvaa yhteisöstä ja maailmasta toimiessasi, niin "Elä ja anna toistenb elää!"-periaatteella saat kaikki sopimaan sopuisasti yhteen.
* Tunteidensa kiehtomina pitävistä aiheista oppii helpommin taitoja, koska niihin keskittyy uppoutuen ja huomaa siksi enemmän ja sovittuu tekemisentavaltaan juuri noiden elämänalojen vaateisiin.
Ks. taitojen oppimisesta Haaveammattiin-blogini kaksi ensimmäistä kirjoitelmaa http://nopeaoppisuus.blogspot.fi
Samasta syystä kehityt iän myötä suurimpiin haaveisiisi päin.
* Teknologian, kannattavuuden ym. maailmankuvan avulla tunteiden kanssa yhteensovitettavan osalta katso tämä blogin alkupään tekstit ja linkit: paratiisiteoriani ja tunteet ja moraali tietokoneillekin. Uhkakuvien torjumisesta kirjassani "2013: Paradise like era" ja tämän blogin kirjoitus "Paratiisissa on käärme..."
Terveet elämäntavat ja maailma terveellä tolalla, täysi tunteudenmukaisuus terveiden elämäntapojen ja täyden ymmärryksen osana. Nämä evoluutioteorian mukaan vahvin vaihtoehto kovassa maailmassa. Nyt teknologian käyttömukavuus- ja ympäristöystävällisyysominaisuuksien myötä vähitellen taas mahdolliset, toisin kuin teollistumisen ja kaupungistumisen alkuaikoina. * Paratiisiteoriakirjani http://2013paradise.blogspot.com/2017/08/basics-of-my-paradise-theory.html
perjantai 20. syyskuuta 2013
torstai 19. syyskuuta 2013
Yleensä ihmiset pitävät hyvästä elämästä, mitä se nyt kullekin on.
Yksi vaihtoehto aloittaa on ostaa kijani 2013: Paradise like era nettikirjakauppa http://www.amazon.com ista, postikuluineen 20-25€, myynnissä pelkkien painokustannustensa hinnalla. http://2013paradise.blogspot.fi Kirjan voisi jättä jonnekin näkyville, mistä ihmiset kulkevat ohitse ja huomaavat, että paratiisiteemaa voi käyttää, ja niin kukin lisäilee omanmallistaa kivaa ja tuskin luopuu linjauksesta sitten kun on siihen tottunut. Epäilijät saisivat kirjaa selaamalla paratiisilinjausta tukevan näkökannan.
Jos jaksaa opiskella jotakin lyhyttä, niin tässä muutama kirjoitus:
Mallia voi ottaa tervehenkisistä ja onnellisista seuduista ja ihmisistä. Ne ovat parempi malli kuin "paratiisimaiset", joilla on myös synkät puolensa, jotka yleensä johtuvat kyvyttömyydestä ratkoa ongelmia, jotka tervehenkiset kyllä osaavat välttää.
Yksi vaihtoehto aloittaa on ostaa kijani 2013: Paradise like era nettikirjakauppa http://www.amazon.com ista, postikuluineen 20-25€, myynnissä pelkkien painokustannustensa hinnalla. http://2013paradise.blogspot.fi Kirjan voisi jättä jonnekin näkyville, mistä ihmiset kulkevat ohitse ja huomaavat, että paratiisiteemaa voi käyttää, ja niin kukin lisäilee omanmallistaa kivaa ja tuskin luopuu linjauksesta sitten kun on siihen tottunut. Epäilijät saisivat kirjaa selaamalla paratiisilinjausta tukevan näkökannan.
Jos jaksaa opiskella jotakin lyhyttä, niin tässä muutama kirjoitus:
Mallia voi ottaa tervehenkisistä ja onnellisista seuduista ja ihmisistä. Ne ovat parempi malli kuin "paratiisimaiset", joilla on myös synkät puolensa, jotka yleensä johtuvat kyvyttömyydestä ratkoa ongelmia, jotka tervehenkiset kyllä osaavat välttää.
torstai 12. syyskuuta 2013
Paratiisissa on käärme...
Paratiisikirjani http://2013paradise.blogspot.fi laskee läpi monta näkökantaa ja ratkoo kymmenittäin uhkakuvia, joista tässä alla iso osa, vaikkakin tarkemmat perustelut kirjassani:
The modern technology creates dangers that ought to be
prevented in order to ensure a good future for all.
Nowadays the kids and teenagers cannot help but notice
that their future includes life with technology, with the both good and bad
sides of living with technology and computers especially.
Technology is a new factor in the world. It is being
rapidly developed and adabted to all kinds of uses, some of which scare the
youngsters by their possible side effects, like the possibility of a
life-sustaining computer system getting badly broken, or by their use to
questionable purposes, like the use of computers in control, governing and
warfare that can via computer problems, but also in other ways, end in
Even though I use here the biological picture of humans
as products of the evolution, all of these results ought to apply also in the
case of a wise god having created us.
Most of these horror scenarios include power in the
hands of the few, who may be cool, calculating, ruthless, uncaring and mainly
selfish. So the cure includes mainly an explanation of how the selfish good of
a single person or group is equal to them wanting the good of the whole world:
If you want the greatest benefit for yourself, you want
the best alternative in that respect to be in power in the world. That
alternative does not depend on who is the one who gets benefit, and that
alternative is known: it is good world wide moral in arranging everything in
the world.
By justice you take care that good benefical options get
supported and poor ones discouraged and so dropped away as the time passes.
That is exactly the same principle by which market economies create a higher
standard of living. It is also the same as the principle in real holistic
objectivity: to aim at treating each thing according to what it is like. Demanding that from all, is called demanding
carrying responsibility about ALL the consequencies of one's actions.
So these three or four (incl. market economy) ought to
go together with the aim of selfish gain for all.
A bigger group creates a bigger benefit, so seek to keep
all the parts healthy: follow human values!
And that is
already a very good world wide moral!
So whoever is in power, ought to respect the moral ways
of arranging the society, regardless of whether it is the people themselves or
some minor group like a mafia, a
military coup, a world computer, artificial intelligence meant for a shoe
factory running wild., or whatever. Just if it is rational enough, and there is
a very easy guide to rationality that I have made to teach all humans, (and too
stupid computers are predictable by more advanced computers), well then it
ought to agree to be moral if it is just informed clearly enough about the
beneficiality of moral to that group itself, and that saves us!
This way we have already handled the cases of a military
coup, mafia taking control, selfish uncaring rulers of some other type, a
computerised world government regardless of whether it was planned or not, and
propably many other cases too - provided that the world is tough enough to
support selfish ways and that the rulers are capable enough to undertsnad this
much about what is their own good... Also, one might add that since this type
of moral is so general in form, it applies also if you and possibly all the
others are virtualised i.e. in an artificial virtual world: good world wide
moral of the above kind is still the best option in how to arrange the whole
and how to behave oneself.
How come
optimising and moral bring the same result? There is lots of work done in the
society. Optimising means thinking how that work done could best benefit the
society, i.e. what would be the most moral way to work for the good of all.
There are some easy principles which are worth taking
into account:
Harmony: the value of harmony as a vector sum,
the harmfulness of conflicts as a vector sum plus as the harmfullness of
Health: the value of a the health of each whole
compared to the harmfulness of the brokedness of each whole
Justice and objectivity: the value of giving
correct feedback to things: the value behind the success of market
economies, evolution, objective thinking, common sense with a holistic view,
honesty and justice; the value of
putting each piece to its correct, best place in a system.
Society agreement: the value of rules of behaviour:
cultivating something.
(The society agreement:
Put cooperating parties to the same island in the
respects that they cooperate, and conflicting parties to different islands.
Those on the same island agree to work for the common goals by doing what is
needed for reaching them -> rules of the island needed for the cultivation
of those things. Share the results of cultivation according to justice. One can
create islands for the exchange of goods (money and trade, friendship, local
cooperation etc.). Thus get created all the human-made things in the world,
both good and bad. So this way you can understand the world. This way you can
see how we all together make the world what it is. Just see what are your goals
and what is needed for the cultivation of them. That is what you are bound to,
that is what you are entitled to, to the extend that you succeed in your work.
Thus you build home, food, work, hobbies, family, friends, protection against others,….)
If there is some malicious practise here lacking, it is
because I didn’t remember it, not because I wouldn’t know how to optimise it
Robbery, criminals, unjustices of every kind
* give feedback to those who cause each thing in the
world (health), so you can optimise
toward better -> justice and fair play, responsible behaviour: causes and
consequences taken into account (health)
* breaking (= a fractured whole) versus cultivating
(health) in what creates profit -> support just cultivating: good moral!
Slavery and other kinds of forcing
* The human goals in life and the human needs are
connected (health) plus answering the human needs and the working condition of
the human are connected (health), so depriving a person from free moral action
lessens the person's working ability noticeably (= a fractured whole).
* Too much forcing forces one to a revolution (= a
fractured whole), to extreme means, so keeping the people under control is the
harder the more artificial and unhuman, unfair (= a fractured whole) the
arrangements of the rulers are.
Drugs, hypnosis, torture etc.
* Less individual guidance (= a broken whole) is harmful
just like in the cases of slavery and control devices.
* Typically such means would be used against (= a broken
whole) the reasoning of the individual (health), against the individuals' and
society's needs (health) and so against work efficiency and work endurance and
system's ways of functioning (health) - such doesn't make sense.
* Also if such means are used to put a wrong class of
persons or things into power, against justice, that means against reasoning
(Read the text Justice and optimising) and is harmful to the whole and to the
parts; it also centres the lives upon wrong questions (= a fractured whole) compared to what the
efficiency, guidability and work endurance point of view demands (health).
Fakes, lies, false propaganda, ignorance, mistaken
* such cause that one's actions do not correlate (= a
fractured whole) well enough with the reality, such creates non-functioning in
those respects (= a broken whole).
* The natural goals in human life (health) make sense and
fit together with the happiness of others too, so one should be able to live
with the whole group in a good functioning order: that would give the strongest
group (health).
Manipulation by the social instincts, by religion etc.
* manipulation by
the strongest instincts of humans is like manipulation by causing
hunger, it causes a situation where the manipulated person is in a wrong role
in the society (= a broken whole), the benefit going to different hand than
those who created the benefit and so the system supports some malfunction
instead of healthy life, prosperity and good of the nation (health).
Other kinds of manipulation
* manipulation means often that things are used to wrong
purposes, some short-sighted technically thinking parasite like persons
benefiting (= a fractured whole) instead of those who build the society, like
farmers for example by producing food (health).
Technology at large, control devices
* Compare control to only a few persons of a certain
kind via the technology (= a fractured whole) or what freedom of the moral ones
gives: a correctable system with the thinking ability of all used thoroughly in
making the arrangements of the society (health)
* The benefits of good moral would give: real support
which leads to safety, guidability, cooperation, higher intelligence of the
system, better endurance, more optimised toward efficiency (health)
Supercomputers, computer networks etc.
* Can be used to rationality, optimising, that's good if
it is done morally, like for example this book of mine seeks to teach to do in
ways, which are easy to program to computers. (Healthy works better than a
broken one.)
* The value of human ways from the efficiency point of
view: if you use human workers or human subordinates, human values are valuable
to you (health), like this book of mine seeks to show, regardless of what kind
of leadership (= a fractured whole) there is.
* Feelings of humans connect to their needs, which in
turn connect, to their actions and well functioning and well-functioning is
important for workers (health).
* Differences in the types of understanding of humans
and computers: the natural understanding of humans about human functioning can
be used too (health), and be of mutual benefit.
Artificial living conditions and malfunctions created by
* The human nature is still the same, one created by the
natural evolution: human needs and ways of functioning stay the same so best
functioning is attained via healthy happy natural life
* The human being is an optimised whole: the different
parts support functioning (health); if one tries new combinations (= a
fractured whole), they typically don't produce a good functioning so there is
nothing to gain in work efficiency by artificial living arrangements (= a
fractured whole), torture etc. (= a fractured whole)
* mutations usually create non-functioning individuals
who die very young
* somehow beneficial mutations or gene manipulation
would bring new qualities which are not fitted well together to the whole, so
they do not support the life of the organism and the organism isn't strong
enough to support them (= a fractured whole), much less of being adapted to the
larger environment (health)
Cool calculating behaviour
* The good side is that it is important to measure sizes
* Humans have feelings in order to help in understanding
things (health), not using feelings as a way to guide one's behaviour (= a
fractured whole) makes one dangerous to one's social environment (= a fractured
whole), a person who even alone destroys much of the functioning of the
* Understand that you must always cooperate morally,
especially in the largest scale (health).
* Humans are pack animals: the group supports the
functioning of the individual and social life is emotionally rewarding (health)
* cooperation creates the force of masses (healthy
whole), so moral is beneficial
* moral means cooperating for common good, i.e. for the
good of all (health)
Commercial things
* Meeting human needs sells best (health).
* If the state has enough tax money, one can let the
things, which are for, common good (health) compete just like other things
compete in a market economy.
War, armies, militaristic ways
* the value of peace and harmony (health) versus the
harm caused by conflicts and wars (=a fractured whole)
* Upbringing of the next generation needs peaceful
circumstances (healthy whole).
* A home to defend makes the soldiers fight better
(healthy whole).
Short term view at the expense (= a fractured whole) of
a long term view (health):
* our thinking and our instincts demand us to take care
of the future, so they do not support our actions if we do not care for the
long term success. Such a deficiency in planning and motivation is also a
serious short term drawback.
A partial view at the expanse (= a fractured whole) of a
holistic view (health):
* the first point in thinking is to get at least the
main points right. That is possible only via using a holsitic view. So one
using a partial view lacks the guidance of true objectivity.
Understand that every obstacle on the road toward
meeting the natural needs of humans, makes smaller the amount of labour force
in use and makes its working ability smaller, causes opposition and so makes
the system less stabile, less guidable and less self-repairing and less
intelligent (because of less natural cooperation and less well functioning
So, good
stronger than evil.
world computer governing
rationality + optimising toward any goal -> health as
a means of optimising -> healthy ways of lviing, healthy world, holistic
robots running wild
optimise them & their group & their leaders to
be moral, see my texts above and my book “Year 2030:…” about that
life sustaining computer programs
turning upside-down or otherwise broken
broken, for example upside-down, is not optimised, so
make competing network in which the well functioning optimised ones get to
serve as models for others and get to decide most about the ways of the whole –
like in human societies
military artificial intelligence
running wild
offer information to optimise them to be moral, if they
are self-guided and/or possibly self-correcting that is well possible, see my
attached text in the end of this booklet
If a machine is programmed to just to cause harm,
without aiming at some ultimate benefit, one cannot optimise it. One must just
let the planners of military machines know that optimised machines work better
than unoptimised, one can optimise them for several purposes too, so the
optimised machines, which are allowed to be moral when (=always) that is benefical,
ought to win over the other machines of equal capacity.
tough work efficiency point of view
determining everything
A healthy worker works best!
For practical applications to your own life or that of
others, see my book Theory of Sexuality for a detailed view on optimising
systems to be moral and a view on optimising human workers to live a life that
is fully according to feelings.
hard competition
See my texts above + pay especially attention to
evolution and its generalisations to include the man-made artificialities
evil running wild
several cases listed below:
the devil & the rotten systems
See also the list about the unbeneficiality of different
types of crimes at above
1) the big devil governing
moral in the sense of safeguarding health is the
strongest arrangement
this situation divided into 3 cases
1a) greedy at all costs
you might even be able to ally with the devil (but take
care to not to trust him), since in principle one could optimise him to behave
fully morally and in a human way – but one cannot ever know for sure: maybe he
is in fact another kind of devil to whom:
1b) maliciousness as the only goal
In that case you cannot ally, you must protect yourself.
In the tough tough world it is best to count of health in everything,
in each and every side of everything too, so you might win position and protect
yourself by the force of arms, by higher intelligence etc.
1c) better
Well, then you surely can count on the same tsrategy
bringing you far: just count on health in EVERYTHING!
Divided to several cases that came to my mind:
2a) threaths of horrible torture used
for governing
Justice is a must. Some people are so evil that they
think it just fair if they are punished away from the society and attacked
badly. Typically there aren’t nasty enough punishments available.
But for the rest the threath of torture can be an
upsettingg factor: Such should never happen to them, they have taken part in
running the society well, without causing anyone harm, so things start going
ashtray if they are under the danger of being tortured. The idea in guiding
things rationally is to cultivate beneficial things, like the behaviour of
these ordinary people, and to prevent only harmful things, like the worst
evil deeds. Could tell this to the governors, make it a piece of understanding that
works for their own personal good and for the good of the things that they
personally value – IF they do not (all?) care for the good of the people
2b) there are groups of people who have
been completely enslaved, used and denied all rights and the possibility to
fulfilling life, = UFOs are in fact humans
A healthy worker works best! (See my book “Theory
of sexuality” for a more practical explanation of this.
It is about the hard rationality of following feelings.)
Add to this the benefits of justice, responsibility
and holistic rationality in running the society which you learn by reading
the first section of this text.
c) manipulative psychologists with no
responsibility have taken control
Optimise to their benefit (=uncaring rulers) + teach
them real holistic objectivity (for example by my short easy course in holistic
See manipulation, unjustice, etc etc in my list of
d) too stupid rulers
See my booklet about learning holistic rationality. It
is my own work but ought to increase the rationality of most who are motivated
to try it?
For rational choices in governing see above.
e) incompetence, greed and corruption
at the higher class
See above: too stupid, greedy, non-caring….
For rational choices to follow in governing, even if one
is greedy and not quite at the highest places in the hierargy, see above.
f) rotten culture that produces
??? Allow selfishness & honesty, teach rationality
based moral ???
Demand the Finnish speaking Finnish saying "Live
and let others live!" as a rule in the society
g) rotten culture that produces
irresponsible irrational behaviour
For rational choices to follow in governing, even if one
is greedy and not quite at the highest places in the hierargy, see above.
See my booklet about learning holistic rationality
easily. It is my own work but ought to
increase the rationality of most who are motivated to try it?
h) the people are too stupid, even the
See my booklet about learning holistic rationality
easily. It is my own work but ought to increase the rationality of most who are
motivated to try it?
For rational choices to follow in governing, even if one
is greedy and not quite at the highest places in the hierargy, see above,
especially the beginning of this booklet.
I) wrong, harmful values in the society
The ideas in my texts help somewhat:
For rational choices to follow in governing, even if one
is greedy and not quite at the highest places in the hierargy, see above.
J) the media a monopoly, irresponsible,
people ignorant and manipulated
See the list of crimes
K) the people afraid of the rulers so
much that democracy does not work
see the list of crimes: many points in it, teach them to
the rulers AND to the citizens.
For rational choices to follow in governing, even if one
is greedy and not quite at the highest places in the hierargy, see above.
L) somewhere are people like puppets
Like the above case: inform the leaders in that country
about the rational choices to follow in governing, even if one is greedy and
not quite at the highest places in the hierargy, see above.
mafia has taken control
see above.
military coup
see above.
selfish uncaring rulers
See above.
god died or did not exist to begin with
The evolution/god’s wisdom produced a very beautiful
result, see my book Final Paradise.
control devides common
Technology at large, control devices
* Compare control to only a few persons of a certain
kind via the technology or what freedom of the moral ones gives: a correctable
system with the thinking ability of all used thoroughly in making the
arrangements of the society (health)
* The benefits of good moral would give: real support
which leads to safety, guidability, cooperation, higher intelligence of the
system, better endurance, more optimised toward efficiency (health)
lies and deception as practices in the
society (either culture, which is an example of rotten systems, or just the
practices too naïve, defenceless)
Fakes, lies, false propaganda, ignorance, mistaken
* such cause that one's actions do not correlate (= a
fractured whole) well enough with the reality, such creates non-functioning in
those respects (= a broken whole).
* The natural goals in human life (health) make sense
and fit together with the happiness of others too, so one should be able to
live with the whole group in a good functioning order: that would give the
strongest group (health).
lack of social skills
Buddhism = value the own observations of each
What if we are spirits or virtual, what if the world
doesn't consist of atoms, molecules, we not of cells, what if everything such
is just faked, how are things then, what happens to all our deductions about
the usefulness of the healthy world (= Gaia)? Things stay the same since we are
still some kind of entities, which have the same characteristics as wholes, so
the theory about wholes and fractures in wholes (see the part above in small
print) stays still valid, and Gaia is the most beneficial option.
(If everything were of spirit and the world at least
partly created by our beliefs about it, that could appear to us modern people
as a virtual world.)
Also, whoever would rule a virtual or spirit world,
the ruler would need guidability - that means honesty, objectivity with a
holistic view and true justice - and well-functioning of the parts and of the
systems and subsystems - that means health (since healthy parts function well
while broken parts do not function at all) and naturality (since our
functioning is based on the natural ways of functioning and on nothing else)
which mean at the level of individuals human values.
Putting each part of a system to its correct place and
correct role in the whole, so as to get the whole to function as well as
possible, means health and naturality of the whole and its parts and structures
since that's what their functioning is based on.
It is quite easy to figure out what is the best way to
arrange a virtual world for just about any purpose: respecting health of the
individuals (human values) and of the systems (including naturality and moral)
while having natural hierargy in who can affect what. This should be easy for all to learn and to understand:
There is a natural hierargy in human societies: the way
that is according to real justice, for the good of all. If we get
apprexiated for our good sides, they get supported for the good of all, and
others can take us as an example for themselves without losing position at all.
If we lose position when we do not according to justice deserve a good
position, our bad sides, especially irresponsibility, get discouraged.
When the one who understands better and carries responsibility is in a deciding
position things get done well for the good of all. This is possible by using
many many partial hierargies at the same time: one for each subject, skill,
thing to decide, piece of knowledge,... Correcting one's own errors
is a thing to value and to be demanded from all, especially from those in a
deciding position. This creates a natural repair mechanism for the society and
is an ideal way to arrange things.
CARRYING RESPONSIBILITY of the whole and using a good
picture of the whole with all emphazies and roles of things right, guide the
whole toward the good of all. One is not allowed to affect things which one
does not carry responsibility over.
There is a saying in Finland: "Honour those who
truly deserve respect." (Meaning: even when it is an unorthodox choise,
and do not give honour according to custom to those who do not according to
justice deserve it).
This natural hierargy is the way that we organize things
in my homecountry Finland in North Europe.
Let us suppose that we are all virtual, all the humans,
all the animals etc., maybe even theUFO:s adding a flavor of their own to that
mixture. Each human is virtualised to one's own virtual world with its own
rules, everything run by huge superhypercomputers or however. How does that
enrmous huge complex whole work? What would make sense for the individuals to
do in such a world? What are the dynamics of that system? Each human being is
different, so we have to take a look at what we all have in common, take a
look at the human nature. All dynamics in connection with the living beings is
born out of what the living beings are like. So if someone wants power or
workers or whatever, they have to count on the human nature. That's what
gives the functioning needed for reaching any kind of goals. In that one
must remember the value of human values: a healthy one works better
than a broken one.
Also justice and true objectivity are musts for the
buidlders of such systems and for those who want to benefit from their
dynamics: treat each part according to what it is like, so you can best benefit
from it. Read the texts
about rational moral! …
So it stays valid that Gaia (=the healthy world) is
the best option, the answer to the question of how to arrange one's forces best
and how to best arrange the rules in the virtual worlds.
And Gaia for Gaia
is the answer to how the individuals and groups could best benefit themselves
and their goals in such an enermously complex and seemingly arbitrarily
arrangeable world.
1) all in the same, like a spaceship
with pictures on walls
Human functioning stays the same, count the artificial
world as an addition to the natural dynamics of humans.
2) all in different like in sleeping
dreams all of their own
See just a few lines above: each one in one's own
virtual world with its own rules
3) all interconnected to some kind of
system – ruled/organised by superhypercomputer
Add respectively the charachteristics of the two above
/ elementary present day computer
fully functioning = 1,
non-functioning = 0
-> health of
everything as value in all practical purposes
/ few criminals
are like ruthless non-caring rulers: optimise for their
benefit via the health of everything
see above.
/ many criminals
optimise to the benefit of each via health, lots of
explanations needed!
see above.
/ UFOs
To form a Gaia, i.e. a global “symbiosis”, in other
words the healthy world as a cooperation attempt, is an universal strategy: it
means the beneficiality of complex variable & very reactive structures
compared to masses of separate non-cooperating individuals, so somewhere in the
nature of UFOs ought to be the possibility to ally with all kinds of beings,
just like makes most sense from the practical points of view. The living
requirements of UFOs and humans are propably very different -> no
competition about living space.
/ insects with
Gaia like ways might calm them down, work for their good
see above.
/ a network of computers
might be optimised (i.e. talked to, regardless of what
kind of goals they each have) to forming a system like I described before:
make competing network in which the well functioning
optimised ones get to serve as models for others and get to decide most about
the ways of the whole – like in human societies
/ our pictures of the world
See what is real, do not accept lies, guide by truth
see above.
/ what we say
sincerety, a hierargy according to moral &
understanding and skill
see above.
/ …etc etc etc
4) fully in order like planned
ok, optimise toward the health of everything
See above.
5) computer broken
see ways to repair
6) computer turned upside-down
See what is the nature of the buiding parts, build on
that & on motivational grounds things that are not turned upside-down but
are right!
7) conquered by enemies
optimise for their benefit
See above.
8) rebellion in it
Remember that the health of everything is the very best
choice for you!
9) some of the people are computer
figures, not real people
Like the case of a virtual world: health is still the
best alternative. Consider the computer figures computer figures, but remember
that thye might be real people in disguise.
10) leaders too stupid
Teach them objective thinking. The nature often helps in
increasing intelligence.
11) rulers out of their mind,
irrational or illusioned or much too naïve
See the dynamics of the persons: what are their driving
forces, which are the truths that make them go crazy. Build on these solid
facts, teach them objective holistic intelligence too.
androids i.e. robots looking to tally
like humans mixed with real humans
Self-reliance is a charachteristic of health, friendship
is an allefgiancy on life’s sea, but never ally without safety precautions: if
a friend betrays you, you must take more distance.
only 1% of real humans
Still the natural dymamics based on your health and the
health of the wholes that you belkong to, is the only thing that the rulers can
benefit from. So accept things for what they are worth, do not underestimate
robot friends, theymight be real people in disguise.
this is the Hell
Use the above optimisation for gaining power and protection,
for "a rebellion in hell".
And for the more practical guidelines (very theoretical
still) read my book “Year 2030: Technologized Nature Paradise”
With the existence of technology safety precautions are
worth a lot. If they fail we still have the basic structure of computers to
trust on, and the basic power dynamics of the world. Optimised computers are of
a certain kind, and it can be shown that they are moral, and broken computers
do not work as well.
This type of optimisation based moral is very
elementary, based on the guiding or self-correcting mechanisms of the computer:
give positive feedback for successes and negative feedback for failures. That
kind of reactivity is the idea behind objectivity and carrying responsibility
about all the consequencies of one's actions, the success of science in
building technology and also otherwise, the value of education and the idea in
market economy and justice. It is very valuable, yet moral, life preserving in
essence. It is the value of the ability to guide one's actions according to
the environmental conditions.
And it needs only one objective observation in addition
to produce just about perfect atheistical kind of moral: care for the needs of
the system and its parts, do not break them needlessly - not in your own
structure and not in your plans about the world: care for your subordinates'
needs, even if they are living beings - thus the computer ought to follow human
Choose a winning strategy, so
you will do well
Huge Systems,
Pure Power Play and
the Fate of the Human Kind:
Survival strategy:
Either: Be the winners
Or: Get the winners to be on your own side
If you choose a winning
strategy, you are likely to achieve the latter if not even the former!
In short:
Biggest allegiancy gives you the
strongest force, so ally world wide, in a way that is safe to you. This
allegiancy is in your nature: universal love.
(= Our feelings give us “+”(=love,
incl. universal love = paradise as a WAY OF LIFE and not as a place) kind of
feedback for getting this important part of life strategy right!)
And health is the strongest arrangement produced by the
evolution's competition, so choose the cultivation and safeguarding of good health as your
competition strategy.
(The concept of health can be generalised to situations
including the artificialities in the world. It gives you the optimised
arrangement of the whole.)
With the existence of technology
the word "healthy" gets a new
generalised meaning:
“a well arranged
and fully functioning system”.
In what comes to the living beings this is the same as
the old definition of health as natural fully
functioning, as a product of evolution. In what comes to the technology, it means that the same
principles that the nature found useful are useful also in optimising the
technology and the large
systems consisting of both technology and of humans - it means that there is no
better option. But if there would be a some still better arrangement, we would
adobt it of course... That is healthy.
allegiancy is the healthy natural world together with the optimised technology
arranged to one single healthily build whole.
In evolution's competition, every time that there is a
new feature, which gives competition advantage and replaces some old
feature(s?), it does not remove the usefulness of the old good features. So
the winning arrangement is the new good side together with the old good sides.
The use of technology is a new winning strategy. It
together with the old winning strategies, i.e. togetrher with thoroughly
healthy and natural ways of living, is the winning strategy.
As evolution proceeds, the new winning strategies get
developed. One example of that is the development of technology.
In the best end result there are the fully developed new
strategy/feature and the old good strategies/features in harmony and
cooperation forming one whole. So the best end result in what comes to
competition ability in the today's world situation would be fully developed
technology together with the healthy biosphere.
* * *
21.3.2017 My old text http://www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/ParadiseWins.pdf explains mechanical estimates about moral.
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